Ok so as all of you know, i've ranted and raved about it since it's launch yesterday: I want the new ipad.
I'm not one to talk though, i still haven't managed to save up my pennies for the freakin' iphone yet, and here i am drooling over the ipad. But now i'm thinking, maybe i should save up for THIS instead? Only thing is that, with this in my purse, my shoulder will definitely give out and the about i'd pay in physio bills could make me bankrupt... lol
So, instead of wondering what would be the best purchase for me, let's see pics and reviews of the ipad :)

“Ladies and gentlemen, we give you the iPad. It's got the touch screen and apps of an iPod and the size and clarity of a laptop, and apparently you type on it with your fingers as if the keyboard was flat and plastic. First impressions: This is going to destroy what remains of everyone's posture.
— iPad Liveblog [Gizmodo]

The best way to experience the web, email, photo, and video. Hands down.
All of the built-in apps on iPad were designed from the ground up to take advantage of the large Multi-Touch screen. And they work in any orientation. So you can do things with these that apps you can’t do on any other device.
Click here to READ MORE

Simon Osborne-Walker from Stuff Magazine tells the Mail Online:
'Apple has finally confirmed the worst-kept secret in tech - the launch of a tablet computer, the iPad. Yes, shame about the name.'Looking very much like an enlarged iPhone with a 9.7-inch screen, it uses the same slick touchscreen experience as Apple's wonder-mobile, but with the extra size and power to handle proper media and web browsing.

'The importance of the iPad, though, is with the software. Launched alongside it was the iBook app and iBook Store, which could cement the ebook's place in modern life - something the Amazon Kindle ebook reader was trying but failing to do. There's also the promise of interactive e-magazine content to be sold through iTunes.
'The iPad perhaps isn't going to change the face of computing, but it may change the face of publishing.'
click here to READ MORE
So, I think my FINAL THOUGHTS are that #1 it's awesome. No one can come close to APPLE's innovative ways of thinking.
And #2, i'll need to see it in person and play with it to know if i should forgo the iphone and get this instead. Stay tuned for my 2010 purchases!! hehe
And #3, for those who wait, next year they'll be something EVEN more amazing!!
But, until then, let's rejoice in everything Apple xoxoxoxox
me too I want, let's find us a sugar daddy :-D
ReplyDeletegreat plan!! lol