It was shortly after New Years, and i had just decided to join the dating site because i was ready to get back into “the game”. Strangely, right after signing up, i got a phone call from a good guy friend of mine who told me that his friend was interested in me. Surprisingly, it was a guy i had known for a while, AND he'd been at the New Years party i was at a week prior. But he'd hardly spoken to me! I hadn't even noticed him looking my way... so i was really shocked to hear that he was interested.
And, honestly it wasn't a very good first move to get his friend to call me to ask me for my number... But my friend wasn't going to give my number out to just anyone, so he called me to ask my permission. I laughed and said “yes, give him my #”. And i thought: Who knows, maybe there's a different side to this guy...
Then, i got a phone call 4 minutes later from the very nervous guy in question: we'll call him “Tom”. He was definitely eager! And i guess if i had really been interested i would have been excited about his eagerness. lol Things you come to realize a year later! So we setup a date for drinks that week.
The date came quickly, and i never even felt nervous. I guess because i had nothing to lose; i didn't have feelings for Tom, so i could just be myself. I did make an effort, of course, to look good for the date ;) As we always do, right chicas?!
So, things went well, we talked and drank and ate. We met at one of my favorite first date spots: a very animated little bar on Monkland, where a friend of mine works. It's safe, just busy enough, and i knew the neighborhood because i lived 2 streets away! The conversation was flowing well, but in strange directions: he was quoting Edgar Allan Poe... his favorite authors ... his favorite plays... his favorite biographies. Nothing that really interested me... Sounds bad. I mean, I definitely enjoy someone who is cultured, but when every conversation carries back to a book you haven't read or a play you haven't seen, it's not very engaging ...
So, once 10pm came around i decided it was time to call it a night. I was walking home and he was walking to the metro station. We parted on a corner of the street and he asked if i wanted to see him again. I was honest. Which is hard for me. But, he was a super sweet guy and needed to know the truth. So I said that I wasn't quite sure that was a good idea. He was sweet and kind, but I didn't think that i could look at him as “more than friends.”
Then, he took a deep breath and said “can i kiss you now?”...I was so shocked by his question, that it took me a moment to respond. Didn't he just listen to my awkward ramble about how i wasn't really that into him?
But, before another second past, he was all up in there, runny nose and all (it was a cold, a very light kiss with -10 rating on the passion scale. It was bad.

Once “that” was over, he pulled away, said that was great and that he couldn't wait to see me again. Oh lord. He wasn't listening or paying attention to my body language at all.
I laughed and started walking away. I said “we'd talk”, not quite sure what else i could say to make him understand. And Tom was so happy! I'm SURE that I saw him skip at least once as he walked away...
3 seconds later i had my best friend on the phone while i walked the rest of the way home, filling her in on the date and the guy who just didn't listen...
Post Date:
Tom called probably about 10 times to ask me out on a 2nd date. It may sound mean to some, but I didn't see him again. I almost caved when he called me on his birthday saying he had no plans (talk about a guilt trip!), and inviting me to his birthday “the snow shoeing day ” he was planning the following weekend. I actually happened to be busy. Really.
I know what you're thinking, but I wasn't going to lead him on when i knew it wasn't going to work! that's my story and i'm sticking to it!
While we're on this subject:: check out THIS awkward kiss!! LMAO!!

LMAO omg, you poor thing... Tom was probably so nervous about actually BEING on a date that he just focused on himself (hence the blabbing and ignoring). Kinda sad. But definitely not ready for any kind of relationship... Keep the stories coming! :)
ReplyDeleteI will, thx Val ;)