About Me

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Live. Love. Learn. Life is short, it's time to do the things you love! My friends are my heart, my family is my rock. I just turned 30 and i'm trying not to panic! I have a fabulous apartment in the city, and some crazy dating stories! Read, interact and enjoy xx

Monday, May 10, 2010

Date #2 With Frenchie

Psssst if you haven’t read about our first date, catch up here.

So, date #2! The Frenchie invited me to a BBQ + watch the Habs game this past Saturday night at his friend’s place. I have to admit that I was nervous. I hardly knew the guy, and now I’m already meeting 10 of his good friends! But, surprisingly (again) it went very well! I was worried becuz his friends are French, but in reality I speak French fine, and his friends turned out to be such nice ppl, that it didn’t even matter.

He gained points with me all evening long ;)
U know what i’m talking about girls = ur secret little checklist when ur on a date! 
He got the healthy food from the grocery store for us to cook on the BBQ (CHECK= he’s healthy), I brought the wine, he drove us there (we met at his place first), he introduced me to every person in the room (CHECK = he has manners), he let me sit in the comfy chair and didn’t leave my side all evening (CHECK = he made me feel super comfortable), he got me snacks becuz the food was taking a while to cook and he made sure my wine glass was always full (CHECK = he’s attentive), he made sure I got all the food I wanted and filled my plate with all the stuff I liked, he explained all the jokes that I hadn’t understood, and he saw that later on in the evening that I yawned and 5-10mins later we were walking out the door. He definitely knew how to integrate me and make me feel comfortable! I like this dating an older man thing ;) hehe

So, at that point we went back to his place. And his place, let me tell you. Is awesome. I even asked him to break it to me softly and tell me who decorated his place (I thought maybe his ex-girlfriend, his mom....) but it was him! He told me his inspiration and where he bought everything. He even has a few gorgeous art pieces that he'd bought himself. It’s masculine and sexy, and comfortable. Again, the checklist, “check check check” = he has an eye for art and style.

Plus he’s big into music. I’m BIG into music, and he seems to know more than me. His friends all go to him for the latest/best music, and his ipod is always the entertainment for the evening. That’s cool. Big CHECK! Lol

So, after the BBQ, we hung out on the couch at his place and he played some great music I had never heard. And it was late. And I’d had almost a whole bottle of wine. Was too tipsy to drive, but too comfortable to leave ;) Long story short, I stayed over. But now now no judgment; I was a good girl and he was a gentleman. But, yes, it was a fun evening with hardly no sleep! That’s as many details as you guys get on that!! LMAO 

I’m sure by now he’s wondering what I’m saying about him on my blog. As you remember, from my last blog post, he knows about it and thinks it's cool. He even chose his nickname: The Frenchie.

So far i have nothing bad to say: it’s all good things! I mean, he even made me a quick breakfast before I had to rush out of his place the next morning to do all the things I need for Mother’s Day!

Stay tuned : date #3 is setup for Tuesday night at my place. I’ve offered to cook him supper. Now, what the hell do I make?!!!! AGH! I need something simple that I won’t ruin/burn, but something interesting enough to impress him ;) Any ideas fellow cooks?

1 comment:

  1. You could do a meatloaf, or my sloppy joe shells. They really aren't that hard, I can walk you through it <3
