Wedding planning is REALLY a fun time with a close friend. I've been through it twice in the past and it's some of the fondest memories i hold dear... Wedding dress shopping, invitation designing, paper cutting!! and gluing !! (table placings, thank you cards, invitations), bridesmaid dress shopping (and arguing!), bridal shower planning, bachelorette craziness!, the hair, the makeup and looking super fabulous together :)

This wedding will pretty much wrap up all the “coupling up” of my closest friends. My other 2 best friends got married almost 3 years ago now, both have wonderful houses, dedicated husbands; one has a 17 month yr old (my cutie godson), and the other is beautifully preggers (due this May). I love these 3 girls to death ♥ K,A&J xo
I consider myself sooo lucky to have these chiquitas in my life, among the handful of other super amazing friends i have. I think you get to a point in your life when you realize how lucky you really are to have people around who love you. Who love you for WHO you are. No makeup, no fronting.
They love you on the worst days; when your mascara's running down your face, when you're so plastered you can't put on your own boots, or when all you want to do is call the ex that broke your heart. I don't know what i would do without my friends.I hope one day, to be planning a wedding of my own... I'm not convinced that's ever going to happen at this point, but “my 3” are, so it gives me hope. I know i will have the best bridesmaids in the world, because they've all gone through the steps. And they also all know that i hate “planning”, so i'll have tons of help there! My awesome sister, who i haven't mentioned in this post because she deserves a post all to herself, will one day be my beautiful maid of honor. And even though she doesn't have the experience yet, of wedding planning, maybe by then she will have! Either way, she knows me in and out, so to have her by my side will be the biggest re-assurance i could ask for.
I consider myself an extremely lucky girl to be a part of these girls lives. And i hope they know how much i love them.
If YOU feel lucky to have great friends in your life, don't forget to tell them. Tell them right now. In person, through a phone call, an email, a text, or in a blog post! Tell them. They deserve to know how amazing they are.
Thank you Val for always being there for me, for helping me get back on my feet, through all the drama and heartache. For the Godiva chocolates on the days i need a long-distance hug, and for inviting me to TO everytime i need to escape my life! Thank you Julie for being there to heal my broken heart, when i had hurt you more without realizing it...
Thank you Jo for being there and making me get out of bed when i didn't want to go on... Thank you Katie for taking me into your family, cooking me supper, driving me anywhere and everywhere, being there whenever i need a shoulder to cry on, or just some company. Thank you Anastasia&Kiran for being so protective and loving me so much, regardless of my craziness, and making me the Godmother of your amazing child! Thank you James for being a guy that i can trust and lean on when everything seems to go wrong in my day. And for taking care of me the next day when YOU get me plastered the night before!!! Thank you Suli for being able to understand the trials and tribulations of being single! We'll make it through this together! lol
What a nice post. And you don't need to thank - we love you, we want you to be happy and want the best for you. And even though I can't be there all the times I really want to be, at least I can send the next best thing - chocolate. :) And well, that's just cause booze doesn't ship all that Be good chica!
ReplyDeletewe love you! This post brought a tear to my eye, you are such an amazing friend. You don't have to thank us we should be thank you! Best GM ever!
ReplyDeleteI love you so much, and couldn't ask for anything more. You will find that man one day, and he is going to make you as happy as you make all of us. I can't wait to plan your wedding with you, and am so happy that you are a part of mine (but we still have work to do) Big Kisses xoxo