GMH is short for Gives Me Hope.You have to read their site to understand; some posts are just so sad they make you cry, whereas others can put a huge smile one your face... People's messages definitely do Give You Hope.
This site might even be helpful for a few friends of mine who went through something really really devastating this past week. When the moment's right, it might help them regain their strength and faith. The passages are just snip-its from people's everyday lives, little moments that have given them hope, and they are choosing to share with the world.
Here's a few examples that touched my heart; they are sad, and sometimes morbid, but they remind you of how precious life is, and that we must appreciate the moments we do have to live:
“I woke up one morning to hear the birds outside my window and my mother cooking breakfast downstairs. I've never cried so much in my entire life. I had been deaf since the age of 8. ”“Today, I found GMH. After reading all the heartwarming stories, I walked into my room, and tore my suicide journal to shreds. I'm shaking out of happiness. GMH. ”
“My dad would always start out conversations with''Do you have a girlfriend yet?''
After laughing and saying no hundreds of times I finally found the courage to tell him I was gay. After a long silence and a stressed out face or two, he calmly said, "Oh. Well.... Do you have a boyfriend yet?"
His fair love GMH.”
GMH also has a few sister sites too:
Love Gives Me Hope (if u want to feel all gooey inside)
OMG Facts
Keep the faith xo

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