About Me

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Live. Love. Learn. Life is short, it's time to do the things you love! My friends are my heart, my family is my rock. I just turned 30 and i'm trying not to panic! I have a fabulous apartment in the city, and some crazy dating stories! Read, interact and enjoy xx

Thursday, September 17, 2009

So i joined a dating site...

So, you can imagine me.. 6 months after the biggest heartbreak of my life, trying to get back into this crazy world of dating. Like millions of other people, i joined an online dating site and was totally nervous about it! I didn't even tell my closest friends for a few weeks! I had never done anything like that before — but i took a New Year's resolution and blindly threw myself info the dating scene.

It was different...it was fun... and, as it turns out, it was a great way to re-connect with myself. I re-evaluated what i was looking for, what i wanted out of life, and what i enjoyed doing. All because of their one-million questions that took me HOURS to answer! These questions were “supposed” to set me up with my perfect match. Strangely enough, friends who had also joined the site shortly after me, were all setup with the SAME matches. So much for personality profiling! We'd all gone on dates with the same guys!

En tous cas, as you will see by reading my posts, this online dating site wasn't a complete bust. I met some very nice, respectable guys, had some funny experiences, and most importantly re-discovered yours truly.

Take a risk girls! You never know what you'll find! more to come!

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